

Where to next? I don't know, but I wish you'd enjoy the ride.

Final Portfolio

Lastly, I created this website/space in order to make all my projects easily accessible in one concrete and clean space. I chose the theme and also structured the site so that it was simple to locate exactly where each portion of this project was. This site is a compilation of all the work I did this semester and although there wasn’t a section for the coding aspect, getting the widgets and links and also the layout to come out as simple as possible required some behind the scenes tweaking that brought me back to my Myspace days. I also included space for reply’s which will notify me via email so that conversations can be had under my posts and space for adverts (may as well). Overall, I really think this entire experience challenged me in a very god way.

Project 5 – Go “Pro”

For this portion of the project Myself and Taisha created a website that focused on many feminist issues but also allowed for others to feel welcome to the site and explore regardless of their affiliation to the word ‘feminist.” We tried to incorporate interesting feminist news type stories but also lifestyle and inclusive news-y type of literature.


Project 3 – Distributed Labor

For this Project Taisha and I demonstrated the Importance of, and how to create different types of websites for specific reasons. Some of these sites included business sites, blog sites, shopping/merchandise sites, and personal sites which serve as a platform for you to broadcast yourself to the world in a professional setting.

Here are Two links that relate to and I believe are important for the lesson:

(Why websites are important for small businesses)

(Why you should own your Name’s custon URL)

Project 2 – A New Media Manifesto

These images demonstrate how popularized text and images cane create memes in order to create conversation and thus a manifesto about a certain societal topic without needing to blatantly write about the subject.

Project 1 – Hacking our Monstrously (Un)Cool Writing Culture


The first photo is an UNTOUCHED version of Ashley Graham a plus size model in which she received a lot of criticism for not being what society deems CORRECTLY curvy. The second in one in which I photoshopped the image to demonstrate how she would be better perceived if her legs we smoother, tummy and legs longer, skin lighter, and eyes wider with a thinner face. I believe this re-defies genre.

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